Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Japanese Acupuncturist on Japanese Magazine

I cannot remember when it was?(゚_。)?(。_゚)?

A girl called me from a Japanese magazine.
She asked an interview and an experience report.
This magazine is very popular in Japanese community in So Cal.
This magazine is handles mostly about beauty and health.


Those are what I am doing Acupuncutre for.
She said, "this issue features 'beauty skin'".

I answered, "O.K."

Oh my Buddha!
"Beauty Skin"?

With on experience!?

I regret that I said "O.K."

Because beauty skin treatment is very difficult to show.

If she had wrinkle on her face, I did anti-wrinkle treatment.
It is easy to see the result even only one treatment.

She came.
She was young
she had no wrinkle _| ̄|〇

Basically, my treatments are "root treatment".
ex) I do not work for killing pain when you have pain. I work for killing cause of pain.

So I told about it to her and I did an Acupuncture practice after interview.
She wrote explain article very well.
So this one became very good.

And some patients have been receiving my Acupuncture by this magazine.

Do you want to know what is this article saying?

Don't worry.
This blog is much more detailed than the magazine.

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