Sunday, January 16, 2011


This blog has hundreds of views in a month.

And often, yes "often" people say, "Terra! I saw your blog".

Some people ask me, "Is that real?"

Some other say, "That's so funny".

Thank you for reading my blog, I appreciate it.

However, I have a request for you.

Please write comments!!


Namidano-Request, (Request of Tear) by Checkers in 1984
sold 672,000 records.

1 comment:

  1. hajimemashite! accidentally on this blog.. this may sound rude but how old r u? I'm asking because Checkers is an OTAI (old timer) group.. i was in Japan in 1984-1985 and yes, i was soooo ga-ga about this group especially on Fumiya! Thanks anyway for bringing up the memory!
