I often did snowball fight in winter in Osaka when I was little.
That was so fun.
We were so excited.
But don't be too excited. (click here)

We may not need to worry that as long as living in LA.
Terra, Hiroyuki MSOM LAc is an Acupuncturist in Beverly Hills. The Acupuncture treatments work for Beauty, as Cellulite Reduction, Weight Loss, Acne, Anti-aging, Anti-wrinkle, Stretch-mark removal, Hair enrichment... And Health, as Stiff neck shoulder, Lower backache, Scoliosis, Infertility, Constipation, PMS, Car accident, Sports injuries, and more...
We were talking about food.
And she said, “I don’t eat sushi sashimi any more, because mercury”.
In general, I don’t really think you should be worried about mercury from most food from major markets or restaurants in LA.
However, this patient was under the acupuncture treatments for infertility and she got a baby at her 42 years old in few years ago.
And she has a plan to have another baby.
So I agreed her avoiding raw fish.
Anyway, mercury comes to your body from:
Contaminated sea foods, pesticide, cosmetic products, amalgam (the metal for tooth cavity), mercury cell, medical thermometer, thimerosal (preservative of preventive vaccination), etc.
The symptoms are:
Headache, deafness, pain with unknown source, no appetite, nauseas, fatigue, depression, washed-out feeling, exhaustion, atopic dermatitis, allergic reaction, obesity, autism, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).
There are so many symptoms.
In most of cases, the reasons are something else though.
If you are worried intoxication of mercury by these symptoms, go to see physicians before panic.